Hong Kong

Germany, let me have an autumn fairy tale

Days: 12 days

Time: September

Per capita: 30000 yuan

With whom: one person

Play: free travel, photography, humanities, petty bourgeoisie, train


On a midsummer afternoon, in a cafe, it took me 20 minutes and 18 seconds to decide on this trip to Germany.

It is said that autumn in Germany is like a fairy tale book, full of romantic scenery.

I always prefer autumn. Most people feel warm season, colorful leaves, let me yearn.

In order to start from early autumn, I spent a week preparing materials and getting my visa.

At the beginning of September, a person's tour of Europe started.

Blog: weibo.com/babymimo

Photographic equipment: Sony A7 + FE35 / 2.8

Pre trip preparation

Schengen visa is not difficult. As long as the materials are prepared according to the material list, they can basically pass. It took me a week from preparing the visa materials to getting the visa. The visa was handed in on Tuesday morning, approved on Friday, and received on Saturday. Now the German Schengen visa is said to be available in 48 hours.

Note: the Schengen visa in Germany is slightly different from the Schengen visa in other countries. The effective time of visa is the time on the itinerary when you submit your application (the effective and invalid dates of visa are the same as the itinerary, and you will not be given one more day).

1.Open the website of CIIC visa and find the embassy. website: https://cn.tlscontact.com/cnCAN2de/splash.php

2.Registration. Fill in the personal information online after registration, and the system will automatically generate the application form. You can download and fill in the application form manually. You can also fill in the application form online after online registration, print the PDF version of the application form and sign it.

3.Preparation materials:

1.application. It should be written in English or German.

2.Signature. The application form should be signed by the applicant himself (3 signatures are required on the application form).

3.  Photo. Two recent white background color photos taken in recent 6 months (size 5cm x 4.5cm)

4.  Original work unit certificate. The certificate shall be in English or German, or Chinese, with an English / German translation attached. The official letterhead of the company shall be used and stamped with the official seal. The person in charge of the company shall sign and specify the date and the following information: address, telephone number and fax number of the company in which he works; The name and position of the person signing the company; Name, position, income and working years of the applicant; The purpose of the trip; The company reserves the position for the applicant; Cost bearing party and certificate of approval( There are many templates on baidu.com

5.Copy of business license / organization code / institution legal person certificate (or similar functional materials) (with company seal)

6.The applicant's current passbook or current bank card (except credit card) in the last three months in and out of the original bill (with the best flow of wage card). Don't save a lot of money all at once. There's only 60000 or 70000 in my bill, but there's running water every month.)

7.Copy of air ticket order for round trip to China (with advance order, no ticket required)

8.Copy of accommodation certificate. Include the whole stay in Schengen district (after booking on Ctrip, print the pre order received by email). The proof of accommodation must be a separate document, separate from other documents.

9.Copy of itinerary (in English or German)

10.Original passport. In principle, the validity of the passport should be more than 3 months beyond the expected date of departure from Schengen.

11.  Copy of passport. Only a copy of the first page of the passport (personal information page) is enough.

12.  A copy of the household register. A copy of the first page of the applicant's household register and the information page of each member.

13.Copy of temporary residence permit. If the registered permanent residence does not belong to the area, the temporary residence certificate issued by the local relevant department or the certificate of temporary residence shall be provided.

14.  Original medical insurance. Amount of insurance: the amount of medical insurance shall not be less than 30000 euro (about 300000 RMB), and the insured time shall cover the whole stay time in Schengen area( The end date of the proposed insurance is one day more than the expected date of departure from Schengen)

15.Copy of medical insurance.

4.time of appointment

Log in to CIIC visa website to make an online appointment for submission time. To submit visa application directly to the consulate, you need to make an appointment on the page of each consulate.


According to the online appointment time to the designated place to submit materials and pay visa fees and service fees, submission procedures are detailed after the online appointment time. Visa fee and visa service fee can be paid in cash or by credit card (only for China UnionPay).

Visa fee: 60 euro, visa service fee: 215 RMB.

6.Electric control

Not everyone gets a phone call, but I get a phone call the day after I sign. Generally, those who have a regular job will call the company's telephone, so it's better not to ask for leave within one week after submitting the application; Freelancers should also pay attention to mobile phone calls.


Take the German railway for the whole journey, and book train tickets in China first. website: http://www.europerail.cn/pass/1055.htm

Because the main trip is in Germany, so I bought a single country 10 days pass   in   The youth ticket is about 270 euro. I received the train ticket the next day after booking and paying online. There are many types of pass. If you travel abroad and spend more time by train, you can consider buying a pass.


1.The European train pass must be used within six months after it is issued.

2.Before the first day of use, you need to go to the ticket window of the local European railway station to activate (valid) with your pass and passport. At this time, all passengers involved in the pass need to be present, and the railway station staff will fill in the relevant passport number and date. Before that, please do not fill in or mark anything on the pass. You can start to use it after you activate and seal it.

3.If the pass is used continuously, it will be invalid automatically from the day when the activation seal is stamped to the end of the valid date, and no content needs to be filled in during this period.

If you buy a current eurorail pass, you need to fill in the date of the day with a signing pen or ball point pen in the date space before you take the train every day, and so on, until the effective date is used up( As shown in the figure above, I buy a current pass. I take the train on September 4, 5 and 7. I write down the date of the first time I get on the train, and the conductor will type the ticket on the date.)

4.Be sure to download DB app before you go to Germany, be sure! It's very accurate to inquire about the train schedule. It's very clear how to go and where to transfer( As shown in the figure, DB is used to query the train frequency and route from Munich to Neuschwanstein Castle.)

Withdrawal & UnionPay

1.There are many merchants in Germany who can accept UnionPay cards. Such as kaufhof, Karstadt department store, Bucherer watch and jewelry store, Christ jewelry store, Swarovski stores, including LV, Hermes, etc., UnionPay cards can be accepted.

2.ATM withdrawal. The ATM machines of Sparkasse and BW can use UnionPay card to withdraw Euro Cash, and the first withdrawal from Huaxia Bank is free of service charge. Sparkasse is widely distributed in Germany. You can check the location of the bank on the official website of the bank https://www.sparkasse.de/filialfinder_ frame.html


There are many types of packages on Taobao. You need to buy and open them before you leave (in case of any problems). Vodafone is recommended for singles, local and online. It's better to call ortel. I bought ortel with average signal. I stayed in Europe for 24 days, and my Cary has 27.


Reservation on Ctrip, to use international credit card guarantee reservation. The basic check-in time of hotels in Europe is after 14 o'clock, and the check-out time is generally before 11 o'clock. If you travel by train like me, you'd better book a hotel near the railway station, because shops in European countries close very early. Generally, restaurants in German railway stations close later.


1.Switch socket (it is recommended to buy a switch socket with two USB sockets)

2.Autumn weather in Germany is very strange, it will suddenly rain a little, umbrella is necessary.

3.Passport, insurance policy and return ticket should be photocopied and opened separately, just in case.

4.Before departure, download the DB app and the offline map of the city on Google map.

Itinerary: (in bold type is the date of using the train pass)

D1: Frankfurt Koblenz Wiesbaden Mainz Koblenz

D2: Koblenz Cologne

D3: Cologne

D4: Cologne Minster

D5: Minster Berlin

D6: Berlin - vilzburg

D7: vilzburg - rottenburg - Heidelberg

D8: Heidelberg

D9: Heidelberg Freiburg

D10: Freiburg - Augsburg

D11: Augsburg Munich feisen Munich

D12: Munich

Day1: two cities on the Rhine

Route: Frankfurt Koblenz Wiesbaden Mainz Koblenz

Early Thursday morning, Frankfurt Airport. Looking out of the cabin, there was a dark blue blur around, and the sun was rising from the horizon. The nine hour international flight was quite comfortable. I carried two backpacks, one large and one small, and followed the crowd into the entry hall.

In front of the immigration counter, the customs asked me how many days I would stay and which cities I would go to, but they didn't ask me to see hotel advance orders or return tickets.

After entering China easily, I realized that I had arrived in Germany - alone, going abroad alone for the first time, and in a German speaking world.

Holding the German railway ticket that has been ordered in China, I feel a little hesitant at the door of DB.

There are people consulting in front of the four counters. I am on the left. The guest on the right is a Chinese who speaks fluent German. For a moment, I wanted to ask for help, but I was interrupted by a hello from the staff.

She was the first German I met. In his forties, he was slightly fat, with reddish brown and shoulder curly hair. He looked a little serious in his work clothes.

I handed her my passport and pass. She filled in and sealed it for me skillfully. When I asked Koblenz where to take the train, she printed out a train timetable, circled the destination, platform and time with pen, and finally made me go down the stairs to wait for the train. She also smiles at me when I say thank you.


Foreign exchange and ATM machines are distributed in each terminal of Frankfurt Airport. After getting off the plane and entering the customs, the next floor is the baggage pick-up area. Light rail lines S8 and 9 are located on the ground floor of terminal 1 (i.e. the next floor of the baggage area), which can reach the Frankfurt railway station HbF (transit to various traffic and energy hubs).

The first city to stay in Germany was Koblenz. It only takes more than an hour to get to Koblenz by train from Frankfurt Airport.

Europe's railway station only has no ticket gate on the platform, class 1 or those who have reserved seats will take their seats according to the number, and others can take their seats when they get on the train. The train needs to manually press the button on the door to open, so don't wait for the door to open automatically.

Choose a window seat and write down the date of the day on the ticket. After a few stops, the train finally saw the legendary ticket collector. He ticked the date on my ticket. See me a foreign girl to take the train, also asked me where I want to go, remind me about when to get off.

Less than nine o'clock to the hotel in dakoblenz, just met with a vacant room can check in advance   in。 After packing, I took the train to Mainz.

Mainz is the capital and largest city of Rhineland Pfalz in Germany. It faces the mouth of the confluence of the main river and Rhine River. It is close to Frankfurt. It is a university town with many churches and palaces.

Go straight from the train station and up the slope, you can see St. Stefan's Cathedral.

The most fascinating scene is the one created by Russian Jewish art master mark? Marc   Chagall) in his twilight years, nine brilliant painted glass windows with the theme of Old Testament and New Testament stories were painted, adding green, yellow and red colors to the deep blue, making it full of mystery, with a medieval texture, and a symbol of reconciliation between Judaism and fundamentalism.


Admission: Free

Opening hours: 8:00-17:00 from Monday to Friday; Saturday and Sunday   9:00-17:00

It happened that someone was playing the organ.

From the church down, to the downtown square.

Ducks of all shapes.

Iron trinkets.

Beautiful card.

Mainz church is one of the most magnificent churches in Germany.

Among them, the Archbishop Memorial tombstone and the church museum have a lot of precious works of art. As one of the seven election emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, the Cathedral of Archbishop Mainz is very magnificent. The sculptures of many archbishops inside are very exquisite. The church often has organ performances. The market outside the church on Saturday is very large, mainly for food, flowers and some handicrafts.

The square outside Mainz church.

The buildings on the square are very beautiful.

A variety of flowers.

It's only a ten minute train ride from Mainz to Wiesbaden, and there are many trains.

From the railway station, along the beautiful walk on both sides, a church appeared in front of us. Walking towards the church, I passed a beautiful alley.

Wiesbaden is a city in the Midwest of Germany and the capital of Hessian state. This city has a long history of more than 2000 years. Emperor William of Germany called Wiesbaden "nice of northern Europe", and the people gave her the reputation of "villa city". In addition to being the political center of Hessian, Wiesbaden is also a famous hot spring resort in Germany. It is known as "the city is full of springs and flowers". As early as the Roman Empire, it has been known that the name of Wiesbaden evolved from the name of hot spring.

There is a small market in the alley. There are all kinds of small things for sale.

All kinds of beautiful cards.

Beautiful crystal cup.

Market church is located in the most central position of Wiesbaden, and the towering Gothic architecture is particularly prominent.

The main building is 98 meters high. It is the tallest building in Wiesbaden. Up to now, the market church has basically maintained its original appearance.

I met two bear kids in the square and saw me chasing and yelling excitedly. I photographed them.

Day2: from quiet Koblenz to lively Cologne

Route: Koblenz Cologne

In the morning, there was a light rain. It was slightly cold. When I went out with a scarf, the red and yellow leaves fell to the ground. Autumn has quietly come to Koblenz.

Walking along the river, I found many squirrels and birds running on the grass for food. The villagers also run with their dogs. From time to time, they meet old people riding bicycles to exercise.

Koblenz is a city in western Germany. At the confluence of the Mosel and Rhine Rivers. It's a Roman town. In the sixth century AD, it was the residence of the Frankish royal family. In its early days, it was famous for business.

Walking on the grass by the river, the sun gradually penetrated the clouds and shone in the forest.

Yellow leaves fall all over the ground, spread a thick layer.

The morning of Koblenz after the rain.

Germans like to exercise by bike along the river.

The biggest attraction of koblentsley is the famous "Deutsche horn"   Eck)。 This is where the Moze river flows into the Rhine. In this mini Delta, a statue of William the great commemorates the once unified and powerful German Empire.

The Rhine River and Mosel River confluence in the 13th century, because of the arrival of the German knights, it got the name of "the horn of Germany". Here stands a monument to Emperor William, which served as a symbol of German reunification from 1953 to 1990.

When you climb the monument of Emperor William and look at the corner of Germany, you can see the yellow and black rivers meeting. Not far from the monument is the Church of Jesus in Hertz. The church was first built in 1900 and completed in 1903. It's a New Roman Catholic Church.


Arrival mode: Train arrival   Koblenz   Stadtmitte station. It's on the way out.

Opening hours: 9:30 Monday to Saturday  -- 11: 30, Monday to Friday   15:00--17:00。

It was noon when we got to the Church of Jesus in Hertz. The church was closed. But there is a lawn outside the church with many flowers. Sitting on a bench in the shade of a tree in the afternoon reading is a wonderful way to travel.

From an alley by the river, there are colorful houses in the alley.

There are many churches in Germany. Churches with different characteristics in different periods can be found in every city.

After a walk around the pedestrian street in the center of the city, there is a magnificent church at the intersection at the end of the pedestrian street. The grey blue tile roof, the beige wall and the Baroque glass windows make people unable to stop.

Inside the church.

Leave the quiet and beautiful Koblenz, get on the train and go along the Rhine River to Cologne.

Out of the Cologne railway station, the Cologne Cathedral appeared without warning.

Is the complicated Gothic style like two burnt corn cobs?

K? Lner   Dom, full name Hohe   Domkirche   St.   Peter   und   Maria, a Catholic cathedral in Cologne, Germany, is a landmark building in Cologne.

Among all the churches, its height ranks second in Germany (after Ulm Cathedral in Ulm) and third in the world. In terms of scale, it is the largest church in northern Europe. It is regarded as the most perfect model of Gothic church architecture. It was built in 1248, and its construction was interrupted. It was not completed until 1880 by Emperor William I. It took more than 600 years, and it is still under renovation.

Cologne Cathedral is located in the center of Cologne. It is a symbol of European Christian authority and a model of Gothic religious architectural art. It is a rare building with five entrances. The interior space is high and wide, and the tower is straight to the sky, symbolizing the desire of man to communicate with God. In addition to the two high towers, there are many small minarets outside the church. The walls of the church are decorated with stained glass depicting biblical figures; The clock tower is equipped with five ringing bells, the heaviest of which is 24 tons. The ringing bells are loud. There are many treasures in Cologne Cathedral. During World War II, part of the church was destroyed and has been under repair for nearly 20 years. Cologne Cathedral, as a symbol of faith and a witness of European cultural tradition, was finally preserved.

Street artist under the Cologne church. A song "Carmen" makes the atmosphere of the whole square lively.

If the German railway pass can be used to take the s line (light rail) after the same day's ticketing, I will take the s line from Cologne railway station in the evening to cross the hohensoren bridge.

Hohensoren bridge is the oldest bridge in Cologne. It was built between 1907 and 1911 and consists of three railway bridges and sidewalks. Connecting with the cathedral, the hohensoren bridge across the Rhine River undoubtedly has the most beautiful scenery.

The sun was shining all over the sky.

All kinds of locks hang on the bridge. Colognes believe that by hanging a lock on the hohensoren bridge and throwing the key into the Rhine, love can last forever.

The colorful copper locks on the bridge form a unique landscape.

Day3: Cologne weekend

Route: Cologne

I wanted to stay in Cologne for one day and then set off for Minster, but the Minster Hotel was full at the weekend, so I stayed in Cologne for another day.

When I get up in the morning and open the window, the fog gradually dissipates and the blue sky gradually appears. Through the streets to the Rhine River, all the way to meet the beautiful rainbow building, painting teenagers, sports girls. Cologne has a lively weekend.

There is a row of colorful rainbow buildings by the river.

The Rhine River saw a towering church, the great Saint Martin church.

Built in the 12th-13th century, St. Martin's Cathedral is famous for its magnificent quarter tower top and Clover shaped ground. St. Martin's Cathedral is the most spectacular of the 12 ancient Roman churches in Cologne. Before the Cologne Cathedral was built, St. Martin's Cathedral has always been the representative of Cologne. Until now, the side by side of St. Martin's Cathedral and Cologne's Cathedral is still a gorgeous scenery along the Rhine River.


Admission: Free

Arrival mode: Tram   lines:   5,   16,   18 to DOM / Hauptbahnhof   Get off at the station near Cologne Cathedral.

Opening hours: 8:30-17:30 from Tuesday to Saturday; 13:00-19:15 on Sunday; Closed on Monday.

I ran into a teenager sketching.

Hohensoren bridge in the morning.

The little boy with golden hair is like a doll.

From the river to Cologne Cathedral, you will pass the Ludwig Museum.

The Ludwig museum was founded in 1976, and is a famous German art patron, Peter? Peter   Ludwig and his wife donated 774 Picasso's works to the museum.

The museum has the largest collection of Picasso's works in addition to the Picasso Museum in Paris and the Picasso Museum in Barcelona. At the same time, he also collected a large number of modern art works, including Dal í and Richter Stein, the representative of pop art  ( Lichtenstein and Warhol.

The museum also has a photographic Museum, Agfa foto historama, which collects photographic works from the last century and a half. At the same time, it is also the world's largest museum of historical pictures and cameras, which is a good place for photography lovers.

The main entrance of the cathedral is carved with complicated characters and stories.

The church is sitting and visitors can only visit it outside the red line.

Wandering around the city of Cologne, I came across a weekend market. There are many kinds of stalls in the market, including ornaments, decorations, second-hand leather goods, home furnishings and handicrafts. You can find many beautiful little things here.

All kinds of old records.

Second hand leather bags, the price is 30 or 40 Euro, very cheap.

Day4: Minster, the smile of cycling city

Route: Cologne Minster

Starting from Cologne in the morning, after more than three hours of train, we finally arrive at Minster, the bicycle city of Germany.

From Minster railway station, there is a bus stop on the opposite side. The bus in Germany charges by section, and the one-way fare is more than 1.6 euro.

M ü nster is a beautiful ancient city in the north of North Rhine Westfalen, Germany, which integrates classical architectural art and natural pastoral scenery. In addition to the old town and the cathedral, Minster also has the fourth largest university in Germany. With nearly 50000 college students, the city is filled with a relaxed and joyful atmosphere. The city is full of cafes, bars and night clubs.

Bicycles shuttling through the streets and alleys are an eye-catching sight in minster. This city with a population of only 300000 has about 500000 bicycles, which is known as the "bicycle capital" of Germany. 100000 people ride bicycles to and fro every day. Cars are not allowed to pass on the roads around the inner city. On this avenue around the city, the only means of transportation is bicycles, It has become a unique landscape in European cities.

German's love for bicycles can be seen from the bell, which adds a lot of vitality to bicycles.

Numerous churches outline the skyline of Minster, which is a distinctive feature of the city. It has long been known as "northern Rome". There is a witty saying among the Minsters: "whether it's rain or the ringing of bells - when they happen at the same time, it's Sunday."

Minster cathedral is a must see for tourists. It is the largest church in the state. Now we can see that the church was originally built in the 13th century in Roman and Gothic style. It was destroyed in World War II and restored in the 1950s. The gorgeous astronomical clock made in the late Middle Ages inside the church is a feast for the eyes. Its calendar has been set until 2071. A pair of green copper roofs of the church tower can be seen from a distance.

Beautiful sculptures in the church.

Minster cathedral is a rare church with bright light. When I visited the church, a German uncle who could not speak English said a lot to me in German. He pointed to a closed door and seemed to let me in. When I opened the door, I saw a corridor. My uncle followed me and pointed to another door. I was puzzled and found that there was a beautiful cemetery in the church.

Minster Cathedral connects prinzipalmarkt square. Prinzipalmarkt square is the center of minster. On both sides of the square, there are aristocratic city houses with triangular walls, elegant clothing boutiques and cafes under the arcades of the houses, and the most eye-catching part of the square is the city hall.

Prinzipalmarkt square seems to be very busy just in time for the festival. And there's free food.

On a small temporary stage, the band was playing happily.

Leaving the bustling prinzipalmarkt square, I bought an ice cream and strolled around Lake aasee. Lake aasee is located in the southwest of the old city of minster. It is suitable for water sports such as picnics, surfing and sailing. Many local families come here on weekends.

Passing under the bridge, I ran into an old man contacting the organ. The melodious music attracted many passers-by to stop.

Beautiful lake aasee.

Minster people seem to be very lively. When they go to the other side of the lake, they encounter activities. People sit on the trapezoidal square drinking beer and listening to music.

When you come to Minster, everything becomes slow and natural.

When I passed the flower bed, I found some lovely rabbits, but they hid all of a sudden. I ran after the rabbit curiously. A college boy passed by on his bicycle. He thought I had lost something, so he came to ask if he could help me.

We looked at each other and laughed. After looking for a while, we still couldn't get a picture of the rabbit. The boy accompanied me to walk a section of road, strolled the minster.

Berlin, the capital of Art

Route: Minster Berlin

There's a transfer from Minster to Berlin. It's already noon. From Berlin central railway station to the hotel, as soon as you get out of the railway station, you can see all kinds of graffiti on the walls of the building.

As the capital, Berlin's position in Germany is beyond doubt. Outside the heavy history of World War II, Berlin is also one of the German art centers. There are more museums showing the treasures of history and art in Germany and the world. Museuminsel concentrates many essences.


1.Berlin is a very open and free city. It has no strong religious tradition, and because of the integration of foreign population and the impact of contemporary culture, Berlin has a very independent style. Don't be surprised if you see people in strange clothes and strange behaviors on the road. Of course, for the sake of politeness and safety, do not take photos of strangers without communication, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

2.The 100 and 200 buses in Berlin play the role of touring bus. They can conveniently travel to scenic spots by bus fare, and can also sit on the bus to enjoy the most beautiful scenery in the city.

3.In some famous scenic spots in Berlin, there will be "characters" who are very suitable for the scene, such as the cartoon bear in front of Brandenburg Gate, the American soldier at Checkpoint Charlie, etc. there is a charge for taking photos with these characters, ranging from 1 euro to 2 euro, which is similar to those performing artists.

4.Berlin is a "bear city". There are bear symbols on the city emblem and flag. There are also bear statues all over the city, with various interesting designs painted on the bear.

The first scenic spot to go to Berlin must be the Berlin Wall.

In addition to the most famous East Gallery, there is a section on niederkirchnerstra? E, about 200 meters west of Checkpoint Charlie, and a section on bernauerstra? E, near nordbahhof.

Graffiti all over the wall.

Graffiti in the East Gallery is a masterpiece of contemporary artists. The most famous one is "kiss of brothers"  ( Bruderku?)。 This is from a real political news photo, taken on October 7, 1979, during the 30th anniversary of the founding of democratic Germany, when Soviet leader Brezhnev visited East Germany, he hugged and kissed like brothers after signing a long-term cooperation agreement between the two countries in the future.

Graffiti seems to have become a culture in Berlin. At the corner of the street, you can see fashionable young people painting on the wall at any time.

Oberbaumbr ü CKE is a double deck bridge on the Spree river in Berlin. The subway line U1 passes through the bridge, which is used by architects and government officials   Otto   Stahn designed it as a Gothic brick building in North Germany, using many decorative elements, such as pointed arch, cross arch and badge. It is one of the landmarks of the city.

It connects Friedrich Heine and croesberg, which were divided by the Berlin Wall in the past. It was reopened in 1994 and has become an important symbol of Berlin's unification.

Leave the East Gallery and take the s line to Museum Island.

Berlin Museum Island is a small island where five museums are gathered together. It was built between 1824 and 1930. Due to the commemorative significance of culture and architecture, it was designated as a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1999.

The five museums are: the old museum, the new museum, the National Museum of art, the Bode Museum and the pegamon Museum.

Those who like museums can buy Museum Pass tickets, which is much cheaper than single ticket.

Crossing the bridge, you can see a building with a green dome, which is the Berlin Cathedral. The cathedral was built from 1894 to 1905. It was once used as a special church for the royal family. The interior of the cathedral is extremely magnificent. It is decorated with columns with complex lines and exquisite murals. Even the capitals are gilded. There are four floors on the ground, with the highest height of 114 meters.


Location: U2/U5/U8, U-BhfAlexanderplatz 站


Tram: M4 / M5 / M6, spandauer   Stra? E station

Bus: 100 / 200, am   Lustgarten station

Opening Hours:

Monday – Saturday   09:00 – 20:00, Sunday and other public holidays   12:00–20:00

Closing time in winter (October 1 - March 31)   19:00

Berlin Cathedral   DOM) is located at the east end of Museum Island in Berlin, Germany, on the avenue of bodhi tree.

Berlin Cathedral is a Renaissance style Protestant church built during the reign of Emperor William II, and it is also a monument to hohensoren Dynasty. Many members of the royal family sleep here.

The Chinese brochure "welcome to Berlin Cathedral" was found in the church, and the church occasionally had organ recitals (for an additional fee).

Opening Hours:

Monday to Saturday: 9:00-19:00,

Sunday: 12:00-19:00

be careful:

Stop admission 30 minutes before closing; The visit to the dome ends at 17:00 and stops at 16:00.

A couple kisses in the setting sun on the grass outside Berlin Cathedral.

I came to the Museum Island just to see the German History Museum designed by I.M. Pei. Once again witnessed the master's architectural works, excited like a little fan to see the idol.

The transparent spiral ladder looks like a transparent snail shell.

Leave the Museum Island and walk to the Brandenburg gate. The setting sun slanted down the road and dyed the streets orange.

Bears can be seen everywhere in Berlin.

Brandenburg gate is not only the symbol of Berlin, but also the national symbol of Germany.

This neoclassical style sandstone building, built in 1791, is based on the Acropolis gate of Athens. On the top of the gate is a bronze statue of the goddess of victory driving a four wheeled carriage with open wings. On the scepter of the goddess, there are oak wreath, iron cross and winged eagle. All these symbolize the victory of war. The Brandenburg gate faces east, and the area to the East is the core of the old city of Berlin,   It's the only Berlin gate left.

The Brandenburg gate has witnessed the rise and fall of German history for more than 200 years. During the period of East-West German division, the Berlin Wall was erected to the west of the Brandenburg Gate, and no one passed through it for decades. Today's gate and the surrounding Paris Square  ( Pariser   Platz) is the latest renovation completed after the end of the cold war.

Day6: fall in love with vilzburg

Route: Berlin - vilzburg

There is not much emphasis in the travel plan of vilzburg, but as soon as I stepped into the city, I began to like it.

Vilzburg is the starting point to the north of the Romantic Road. The main river flows through the old town of vilzburg. There are old bridges left over from the 15th century on the river and Castle fortresses by the river. This is the most classic scenery of vilzburg. On the other side of the river is the old town of vilzburg, with palace, church, town hall and other buildings.

From the old bridge, you can walk up the mountain path to Marion castle, about 20 minutes. From the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the city of vilzburg, with red roofs stacked.

On the West Bank of the Rhine, this fortress on Marienberg is the symbol of vilzburg.

This medieval style castle was converted into a new castle in the 17th century   Baroque style. The interior of the castle is now used as two museums about the history of the region and the Bishop's family.   On the hill at the foot of Marion castle, there are large vineyards. The mountain trail to the castle is also part of the vineyard hiking trail on Mount Marion.

A panoramic view of vilzburg from the castle fortress.

The old bridge was full of people, holding wine cups in their hands, chatting while drinking wine.

One of the older parts of the town hall in vilzburg is called the  “ Grafeneckart "is located between the main church and the old bridge on the main river. It is a reddish brown building with a 55 meter high tower and many ancient decorations on the wall.

The building was built in 1180 and has a history of more than 800 years. And now it is   The inter city hall is in the building behind the old building.

Rothenberg in Day7 fairy tales

Route: vilzburg - rottenburg - Heidelberg

After a good breakfast in vilzburg, take a walk by the river, check your luggage and leave for rottenburg. It takes more than an hour for the train from vilzburg to rottenburg to transfer to a special line.

The full name of Rothenburg is rothenburgober Tauber, which is used to distinguish other places called Rothenburg in Germany. It is the intersection of "Romantic Road" and "Castle Road", and the most visited town north of Munich in Bavaria.

Rothenburg is famous for its fact that it is the essence of the medieval German town. It has not been destroyed by war, and has been trying hard to repair it in the past 20 years. It is a well preserved old city, which completely reproduces the features of the middle ages.

In the small city, the stone lanes are winding, the houses are simple, and there are more walls and walls   The tower guards, the charming garden and the flowing water of taobo River are very beautiful and artistic   Light seems to stop here, full of fairy tale atmosphere.

There are many blue stones in front of the shop.

There is a special sweet food in rottenberg, called "schneeball", which is a kind of fried pasta, wrapped with powdered sugar or chocolate, can represent a sweet gift for lovers.

Striffler bakery is one of the local favorite "snowball" shops.

Rothenberg is a relatively pure tourist city. Outside the scenic spots, the city is mainly dominated by souvenir shops, restaurants, cafes and hotels. The old city is not big, you can walk to all the scenic spots.

If you want to enjoy a quiet town, you'd better stay in the city for one night, so that you can carefully look at the old and beautiful town in the morning and evening when a large number of tourists do not appear.

A fairy tale town.

It is one of the landmark landscapes in the city of rottenburg. At the south end of the old city, the stone road is divided into two parts in a "Y" shape, and has different slopes along the terrain. On both sides of the path are beautiful traditional wooden framed houses with a small fountain. This is the epitome of the characteristic street view of rottenburg.

Every angle of Rothenberg is like a picture.

The rottenburg town hall on the side of Marktplatz, a mixture of Gothic and Renaissance styles, dates back to the 14th century. Climb on the 52 meter high clock tower platform and have a panoramic view of the town. At the same time, the market square with the city hall as the background is also the center of the Christmas market.

Admission: 2 euro (the ticket is bought at the top of the tower)

Opening Hours:

From April to October, 9:30-12:30, 13:00-17:00 every day;

From January to March and November, 12:00-15:00 on Saturdays and Sundays;

During the Christmas market, every day, 10:30-14:00, 14:30-18:00, Friday and Saturday to 20:00.

From the top of the tower overlooking Rothenberg.

There are red roofs everywhere.

Day8 Heidelberg, an affair in the University Town

Route: Heidelberg

Two days in Heidelberg.

Before I came to Germany, my friends who had lived in Germany recommended Heidelberg to me. In addition, Goethe's sentence "I left my heart in Heidelberg" made me look forward to this city.

The whole old city of Heidelberg is a big picture. The green mountains in the background, the green waters of the neika River, the ruins of ancient castles full of historical vicissitudes, and the old city with scattered spires and deep stone paths are just such fairy tales. What is particularly special is that the ruined castle, which is incomplete and not refined, has buried the story of years in the broken wall. However, it has also been comforted by time and moved people with the beauty of regret. It still has the style of king and has become one of the symbols of Heidelberg.

In addition to landscape, Heidelberg also has the oldest university in Germany. With 28000 students, Heidelberg University is one of the large academic research institutions in Germany. Its disciplines cover Egyptian research, computer language and other majors. It has the best teachers in the fields of medicine, law and Natural Science in Germany. It is not only the birthplace of German Romantic Literature and art, but also cultivated many Nobel Prize winning scientists.

On the blue throne Hill (k? Nigstuhl), although the Heidelberg castle built by red sand and stone has been destroyed, it still has the style of king, overlooking the old city of Heidelberg and the Neka river at the foot of the hill.

Heidelberg castle took 400 years to complete and was once one of the largest castles in Europe. The internal structure of the castle is complex, including fortifications, rooms, palaces and castle gardens. At that time, it was a military fortress and also a palace for electing emperors and princes.

You can have a panoramic view of the old city under Heidelberg from the balcony in front of the castle,   The Neka river flows quietly, as if telling the history of the past,   The sun shines on the ancient bridge, and the elegant scenery can't help but arouse people's nostalgia for the ancient,   Enjoy the moment; In such a beautiful place, I really hope that time can stay for a short time and roam in such a beautiful world

The official name of the old bridge is Karl Theodor bridge, which is the name of the elector who built the Baroque stone bridge in 1788. This is the ninth bridge in this position since ancient Rome, and it is also the oldest bridge on the NECA River in Heidelberg area. The sculpture on the bridge is Karl Theodor at the south end and the goddess of wisdom at the north end.

The building at the end of the bridge is very special.

There is a bronze monkey sculpture at the end of the old bridge. The copper monkey was holding a mirror in his hand and surrounded by two mice. Touching the mirror in the hand of the copper monkey will bring wealth. Holding the finger of the copper monkey will bless you to return to Heidelberg in the future. The mouse means blessing you with many children and grandchildren.

The neika river passes through the city in Heidelberg, close to the old city, in the green mountains and valleys, with the old bridges and castles, forming a perfect picture. The north and south banks of the river have banks for pedestrians to walk, especially the north bank, with lawns and gardens, which is a good place to rest and enjoy the scenery.

A photo duck by the river NECA.

The scenic spots of Heidelberg are concentrated in the old city. The main scenic spots on both sides of the river are connected by the meandering river. The main street parallel to the river is the longest pedestrian street in Europe. Along the road, there are various scenic spots, restaurants and shopping places, which is the center of the old city. Heidelberg's attractions can be visited on foot in a day, but the city is more suitable to slow down and savor.

Blog Author

Xiangdong Lai